Homo Irrationalis

Choreographed by Karol Cysewski and performed by three smart yet idiotic male dancers, Homo Irrationalis is a physical and funny mission to discover the true nature of humankind.


Supported by Arts Council of Wales, Chapter, Cardiff Met and Ballet Cymru

Photography: John Collingswood

Design: Marc Heatley

Homo Irrationalis (Latin: “irrational human”) is a recently discovered new branch of the current dominant species Homo Sapiens (Latin: “wise human”). Through evolutionary adaptation, Homo Irrationalis beings have lost the ability to be sapient (thinking or wise), and so are locked into ever more erratic, unexplainable and irrational behaviours.

Three brilliant and unconventional researchers invite you to join a presentation on the evolutionary development of Homo Irrationalis. Through movement, projection and irreverent humour, they will take you on a journey from single cell organisms to “thinking human” and beyond. The aim is to examine the nature and degree of saturation of Homo Irrationalis within the population. Research suggests this new species could make Homo Sapiens extinct by the end of this century.

Are you one of these new hominoid beings, or are you still sapient? Is Homo Irrationalis an progressive or regressive evolutionary development? And are the researchers themselves still “wise humans”, or have they too become “irrational” beings?

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